Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Roll Call-Ladies

Hey Girls-just checking on all of you.....

what's the latest & greatest!

miss you all!

1 comment:

  1. Ok so I will start-it has been a busy week, have gotten my ass back to the gym as I have been a huge slacker for most of the month of May, so I am giving myself a pat on the back! It always makes me feel like I accomplished something when I get myself there, it feels selfish in a way, because it is for me, I allowed myself to carve out time for me rather than think of 100 excuses why I cant go.

    My girls are taking EOGs this week, I got an email from Cierra's teacher today. She did not have a good day. I am avoiding that whole situation as we speak, thats all I will say.

    Have to share a grooming story. As you have all convinced me to do some extra grooming, you know what I mean. Lets just say that grooming will continue, you PACT girls know where its at!!!!

    Anybody else have some news to share?
